
benefits of peanuts. number 6 was shocking/ health benefits of peanuts

peanuts health benefits

     calories in peanuts are low and nutritional values of peanuts are great. these are the most consumed nuts/ legumes on this planet. in peanut protein content is high and a hand full of nuts could help you to claim the health benefits of peanuts
       before going to the core part of this article I would like to share some of the interesting facts about peanuts.

  • China is the world's largest producer of peanuts. about 40%of peanuts are produced by china. as per reports china produced about 19 million metric tons of peanuts.
  • in early 1900, the famous American scientist  George Washington caver invented nearly 300 types of products using peanuts. so, the peanut Association of America named him as peanut man.
  • gallon of water is required to produce 5 peanuts.
  • former American presidents Virginia's Thomas Jeffers and Georgia's Jimmy Carter peanut farmers.
  • peanut butter is actually made for the convenience of people with no teeth. the person who invented peanut butter has no teeth. it is invented by Marcellus Gilmore Edson, the Canadian scientist later that process was patented by Kelloggs.

               coming to the core part of this article, peanuts are associated with many benefits. here is the list of 7 benefits by adding peanuts in your daily diet. 

1. rich in omega3 fatty acids.

    peanuts are rich in omega3 fatty acids as well as omega6 fatty acids. as they both are polyunsaturated fatty acids they are considered as a good and healthy source of fat. these also consists of oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid. 
   omega3 fatty acids are important for your body as it maintains healthy heart functioning. many types of research found that omega3 fatty acids boost your focus and concentration and enhance your cognitive thinking.

2.helps in losing weight.

        peanuts are considered as a good choice for a weight loss diet. as they are a rich source of protein, they increase the metabolism rate in your body. the monosaturated fat present in peanuts helps you to burn more calories.

1oz(25-28 grams ) of peanuts helps you to claim benefits associated with peanuts

3.blood sugar levels.
       you could wonder that how come it could be a possible thing for a peanut to help by preventing you from type 2 diabetes? yes, it could. because peanuts are rich in nutritional supply and possess a low glycemic index (GI). 
As it is low in glycemic index your body cant tends to the retention of sugars and carbs, which can lead to weight gain and type 2 diabetes.      

4.a cardio friendly food. 

     peanut is also associated with good cardio benefits. the fats present in peanuts are cardio friendly which builds good cholesterol called high-density lipoprotein (HDL). 
      when this HDL is high this lipoprotein replaces the bad cholesterol called low-density lipoprotein (LDL). by this triglyceride present in your body will be reduced and enhance your cardio health. high levels of triglycerides are responsible for heart problems. growth.

    as peanuts are a rich source of biotin and pantothenic acid these come with sound benefits for your hair and skin. 
biotin not only helps for building strong hair but, also helps in preventing hair fall, skin rashes, and aging. 

6. treats the polycystic ovarian syndrome.

       yes, even I too shocked when I came to know by referring an article by the European journal of clinical nutrition. 
  in that article, they published that women suffering from PCOS are given different types of nuts to record the changes in their insulin levels. later they noted slight changes in insulin, cholesterol, and hormones ( androgen
   after 42 days of the test process, they noticed the reduced level of LDL and glycated hemoglobin(HbA1c). by that women how are suffering from PCOS can consume peanuts with positive hope.

7.strong and healthy bones.

    as they are rich in proteins and vitamin peanuts helps to build endurance in your body. the calcium present in peanuts helps you to build strong and healthy bones. 
     having a hand full of peanuts in any form could help you in building healthy and strong bones. making peanuts as a daily snack to your child or any other children neighboring you could be a good choice as their body is good at absorbing nutrition. 


     apart from the benefits, some people may show intolerance towards peanuts. yes, a person with peanut allergies could mess with the symptoms like itchiness, hives, sneezing, eczema, abdominal pain, bowel irritability. these symptoms could be observed after a short period of time after consuming peanuts.  


benefits of peanuts. number 6 was shocking/ health benefits of peanuts benefits of peanuts. number 6 was shocking/ health benefits of peanuts Reviewed by VIGOUR STROM on 9/22/2019 Rating: 5

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