|why vitamins are important | vitamin deficiency |
essential vitamins | fat-soluble and water-soluble|
vitamins | types of vitamins | symptoms|
essential vitamins | fat-soluble and water-soluble|
vitamins | types of vitamins | symptoms|
7 out of 10 among us were facing vitamin deficiency due to a lack of proper diet and nutrient supply.
in India about 70-90% of the population if facing vitamin deficiency. among them, the volume of vitamin D deficiency is high in urban and suburban regions.
is it something to be considered seriously?
yes, it should be considered.
vitamins are the essential nutrients performing numerous roles in your bodies. these are important for your vitality as it nourishes your internal functioning.
lack of vitamins could be identified on observing these symptoms
- fragile hair and nails
- mouth ulcers/source
- dandruff
- loss of apatite
- low vision at night
- lack of sound sleep
- headache
- stress
- low metabolism
these are the major symptoms associated with low vitamins in your body.
it's, not something to get panic and run for the doctor. you could cure yourself by understanding the proper signs and symptoms and changing diet and lifestyle according to it.
so, you need to go deep with the concept of different types of vitamins. let's have a small looks
there are 13 types of vitamins A, D, E, K, C, and
"B" complex (8 vitamins)
these vitamins are classified into fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins
fat-soluble vitamins :
vitamins that could be dissolved in fats and oils are regarded as fat-soluble vitamins. they are administrated into our bodies through animal and plant-based sources.
example: A, D, E, K, C
water-soluble vitamins :
vitamins those are dissolved in water and cannot be stored in our body. those are eliminated from the body through urine.
example: vitamin c and b complex
so, daily intake of vitamin C and B complex is recommended
as they are unstable in our body.
here you can go in-depth with vitamins ↙
vitamin A
vitamin B
vitamin C
vitamin D
vitamin E
vitamin K
why vitamins are important ?
Reviewed by VIGOUR STROM

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