Everyone will try their level best to get rid of overweight. but some of your habits may disturb your weight loss goal.
so, you need to show attention towards your habits before starting your weight-loss mission.
sometimes you may get confused that"why still my weight is not getting down.??" don't worry. it just costs a small correction. check out whether these habits are lagging your results and correct yourself to fell the great change.
1 eating fast
in this busy life eating slowly is slightly difficult but, not an impossible task. possible and impossible is all depends upon your priorities. while you decided to lose weight, then it should be your first priority. eating slowly is very important because rushing out with your meals is no way a good thing for your health.
why you should eat slowly and what are the benefits.?
- eating slowly will grind your food and makes easy to digest.
- when you spend some time to eat slowly your stomach feels full and the possibility of craving will below.
- when you eat fast your brain may not get signals that your stomach is full and still triggers your thought to eat something. this leads to more calorie intake and makes you fat.
2.not drinking enough water.
water is the most neglected thing during our weight loss mission. you may think that we can drink water when we feel thirsty. but, it's not the right way to do. you need to give some importance to drink water during a weight loss plan.
- drinking water will dilute the food you consumed and makes digestion easy.
- drinking water will keep you hydrated and boosts your metabolism.
- water will dilute the toxins and flushes out from your body and makes you feel fresh.
if you are doing cardio exercises you should not neglect drinking water because your body will release a lot of sweat and need to get hydrated for the proper functioning of the body.
3.enough sleep
sleep is another important factor not only for weight loss but, also to maintain proper health and proper functioning of your body.
- sleep is important as our endocrine system starts secreting hormones after getting sleep.
- improper sleeping will leade to hormonal imbalance which leads to many complications.
- sleep is important for protein synthesis in your body.
- good sleep improves your metabolism and helps you to maintain a healthy weight.
before going to sleep watching mobiles, and other digital devices that emit blue light rays will affect your melatonin(the hormone responsible for sleep) and disturbs your sleep. so, try to avoid using mobile before going to sleep.
4.eating in front of the tv.
Yes, you may wonder what is there to do with this for weight loss? but, actually, it matters a lot.
- eating in front of the tv will divert your brain and may not show attention towards what you are eating.
- in the early days, people use to treat eating as a prayer because of this reason. even though if you are eating more is not a mistake. but, eating without attention is a mistake.
- this lags your digestion as your brain may not feel full while eating.
when you ordered a popcorn in the movie theater you will get it in a large tub. you, may not feel heavy as you are busy watching a movie while eating popcorn. surely you can complete your popcorn tub by eating calm and alone. this is all about your brain that should feel what you are eating.
not only watching tv but, also talking and discussing deeply and seriously about something while eating will not cope with you to feel full about what you are eating.
5.fruit juice.
many among us will belive that drinking fruit juice is a healthy habit. but, it's not correct. Yes, consuming fruits in juice is a bad idea. Here it is how
. All the Fruits and vegetables contain cellulose which is very hard to digest. When you consume fruits in the form of juice you are allowing complete cellulose to flow in your large intestine. by that, it takes time to digest.
.when you choose to eat fruits than drinking then your body will excrete the unwanted waste from your digestive system where it can't be done when you choose fruit juice.
However, some of the fruits like oranges, lemon, and other citrus fruits are good to consume in the form of juices as it helps to balance our electrolytes and helps to rehydrate our body.
6.low protein in your diet.
There are several factors you need to consider about protein. Many of people will skip eating the required amount of proteins and keep on searching about a low-calorie diet.
However low-calorie diet will help you to lose weight but, a low protein diet may lead to several complications.
When you are in a weight-loss mission, you need to consume more protein as your breakfast(25grams to 30grams)
A high protein diet will help your body for nourishment and healthy functioning of organs, muscle building, good and balanced body mass index.
7.late night eating.
In this busy life, you may not able to complete your dinner on time. but, eating at late nights is no way a good thing for your weight loss. Eating at late nights before going to sleep will affect your digestive system and leads to bloating.
While you sleep your liver will secrets bile juice which is responsible for absorption of fats, bilirubin, and other vitamins. So, when you eat at late nights that will create stress on your excretory system.
Those undissolved and undigested fats will get retained under the skin and increase your subcutaneous fat. By that way, late-night eating will raise your weight.
note: A change in these habits alone cant helps you to lose weight. however, it just helps you to obtain your result fast.
note: A change in these habits alone cant helps you to lose weight. however, it just helps you to obtain your result fast.
8 habits not letting you to loose-weight
Reviewed by VIGOUR STROM

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