Many of us are obsessed with a healthy diet and weight management. But, there is some misconception about some healthy foods by thinking those are healthy but, are actually not. yes, we are cheating ourselves by assuming that those were healthy. These products have been marketed as healthy but we need to cautious before choosing them.
here is the list of 5 products that are mentioned to be healthy but, they are not.
1. Protein Bar.
Almost every fitness freak prefers to choose protein-bars as their breakfast. This became common among fitness freaks. Protein bars are consumed by the thinking that they could supply a high level of protein.
Protein bars are said to be they are rich in protein but, in reality, they also loaded with heavy calories, fats, carbohydrates, and sugars. Even if you take a high protein diet, you can't call it a healthy diet unless you stopped consuming processed sugars and carbohydrates. yes, protein bars are high in calories and fats and could actually make you fat.
The fat content present in many protein bars is almost less or more equal to fat present in junk foods. so, be careful while selecting the protein bars. If you are more concerned about having a protein bar then it's better to make at home by choosing the ingredients wisely.
Smoothies are one of the most consumed drinks among us. Everyone feels refreshed on drinking smoothies by thinking that they chose a healthy drink.
Actually, those smoothies are heavily loaded with saturated sugars and are very hard to digest. These are also a hypocaloric diet and makes you fat.
Sugars and fats are heavily loaded in smoothies and could also be addictive. It's very hard for an individual to get rid of sugar addiction. we could think that drinking smoothies are cool but actually, you are harming yourself like anything.
If you want to satisfy your sweet tooth and throat it's better to make it yourself at home. You can make it easily at home as it doesn't require a huge set-up.
here is the recipe you can make at home within not more than 2 minutes using dry fruits.
4-7 almonds(soaked for 3hours)
3 dates (for sweetness)
2 tablespoon of rolled oats
1cup of toned milk
Blend all the almonds, figs, oats and dates separately.
mix all of them using blender by slowly adding milk.
pour that smoothie in a glass and topped with any fruit choppings.
Blend all the almonds, figs, oats and dates separately.
mix all of them using blender by slowly adding milk.
pour that smoothie in a glass and topped with any fruit choppings.
- Do not add any sugar to get healthy progress.
- Before mixing all the ingredients make sure that you have ground them separately.
- Do not pour milk completely while mixing. make sure that you are adding drops wise. Pouring milk completely at a time can bring smoothie texture.
Gluten is a group of proteins, called prolamins and glutelins that occur with starch from the endosperm of various cereal grains.
Gluten is said to be a healthy diet unless you are suffering from gluten intolerance or celiac disease. celiac disease is a syndrome that causes the lining of the small intestine that leads to pain and discomfort in the abdominal region.
Glutin free is marketed as a healthy source of diet but actually, that's a false perception. However glutin alone cant provide any health benefits it could be a good diet when it is taken with wheat, cereals, etc.
No gluten-free products are cultured naturally. They could obtain only when they underwent any scientific processing.
such types of products are high in calories and cant cope you to lose weight unless you worked out more to burn more calories.
4. cold coffee.
cold coffee is another drink that everyone chooses to drink at their leisure time. Cold coffee is more addictive as they are high in sugars and even because of caffeine. anything that is frozen is not a good thing in the long run for you. Drinking cold coffee could make you fat due to its hypocaloric nature and added sugars. Mostly all the cold-coffees are made with artificial sweeteners and added preservatives.
Cold coffees are highly loaded with bad cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides. These could strain your heart vessels and also makes the metabolism process difficult.
So, when you decided to drink or make it a habit you can drink at a moderate level. Anything doing at a moderate level by taking required precautions could immune you from many adverse effects.
5. flavored yogurt
yogurt is almost consumed by everyone and in fact, it's good for health as it is a good source of calcium, protein and good fats.
Then why it is bad? yogurt is good but flavored yogurt is not. Having flavored yogurt instead of normal yogurt on a regular bias would make you fat as those are high in carbohydrates, fats, and calories. so, having normal yogurt is a good choice.
these are the 5 items that have been marketed as healthy sources but are actually not at all. However, having those items in a moderate amount does not cause any harm to you.
so, take it in a moderate amount when you would like to enjoy the pleasure of taste. Restricting yourself from everything to be healthy could make you obsessed with that.
5 foods you are thinking healthy that could makes you fat
Reviewed by VIGOUR STROM

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