
7 foods that will improve your focus and concentration / - foods for healthy brain

does food really shows any impact on your brain ..?  yes, absolutely it shows the effect on your brain. the food you are taking will either dulls out or boosts your brain.the nutritional values present in the food you consume decides whether it shows a good or bad effect on your brain. Omega 3 fatty acids are the most important that is required for a healthy brain along with some other important nutritional requirements.  let us discuss the top 7 foods that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and results in the cognitive development of your brain.

here is the list of top 7 foods that boost your focus and attention 


avocados are south Mexican origin fruit with a single seed.  it is also called as aligator pear as it is shaped like an aligator. 

  • avocados are rich in vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin C (ascorbic acid ) and vitamin B-3 ( niacin)
  • avocados are rich in iron, manganese, and omega 3 fatty acids which are regarded as the main source for brain health 
  • Folate present in avocados helps to relieve from stress and mental depression. 
  • Avocados are low in calories and make your stomach to fee lite.

2. Dark chocolate

  dark chocolate is known for its various models of recipes. even though dark chocolate is bitter in taste it is regarded as a most consumed beverage after coffee. this dark chocolate is considered as the mood enhancer and anger suppressor. According to recent reports around 
7.2 million metric tons of chocolate was consumed around the world annually. here is how the dark chocolate is beneficial for your brain. 

  • dark chocolate is rich in magnesium, zinc, and potassium. 
  • about 4.9 grams of protein is present in 100grams of dark chocolate. 
  • as it consists of caffeine, theobromine, and anti-oxidants it acts as a stress reliever and mood enhancer and anger suppressor. 
  • theophylline and theobromine helps to relax our cardiovascular system and also consists of some diuretic properties. 
  • Dark chocolate is also a source of Omega 3 fatty acids. 
3. walnuts 

This Persian origin food has many health benefits . earlier days during neolithic times, France discovered the roasted walnut shells. present china is recorded with the highest cultivation of walnuts with 1.6 million metric tons of walnuts per year(2016-17).

  • walnuts are high in concentration of DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). it is a type of omega 3 fatty acids.  
  • walnuts are also rich in protein contains having about 15grams of protein in every 100gs of walnuts.
  • walnuts are also high in calcium, potassium, Magnesium & pyridoxine.
  • walnuts reduce the risk of mental aging. 
  • those how are concerned about having no- vegan food can claim those benefits by having 7 walnuts a day.

coconuts were first cultivated in the south Asian islands. coconuts are most frequently used while cooking at extreme south regions of India, Kerala. Kerala of India is termed as the land of coconut trees. Indonesia ranked top in the cultivation of coconut with 183 million tones followed by the Philippines with 153 million tonnes and India with 119 million tonnes.

  • coconut water acts as a coolant for our body and relives from heat and makes our vision clear and refreshes the mind.
  • the medium-chain - triglycerides present in coconut increases ketones in blood which immunes from brain fog and mental stress.
  • coconut water is beneficial for Alzheimer's patients.
salmons are the most consumed seafood in western countries. salmons are mostly farmed in Norway and in Chile.  salmons are a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids (Docosahexaenoic acid berries

blueberries are originated in North America. Washington of the united states is recorded with the highest cultivation of blueberries with 239,071 tonnes.

  • blueberries are rich sources of vitamin c (ascorbic acid) which helps to the maintenance of cartilage and bones.
  • ascorbic acid is the required component to maintain growth, development, and repair of body tissues.
  • thus blueberries help to boost the cognitive functioning of the brain.
7.flax seed 

  flaxseed is said to be grown first in regions of Egypt, however, Canada is the top in the production of flaxseed (about 8-9lcs tonnes) and chaina stands second (3-4lcs tonnes).

  • flax seeds are rich in alpha-linolenic acid a type of omega 3 fatty acids.
  • flax seeds are rich in calcium, potassium, iron, and manganese.
  • this also helps in the development of the brain.

7 foods that will improve your focus and concentration / - foods for healthy brain 7 foods that will improve your focus and concentration / - foods for healthy brain Reviewed by VIGOUR STROM on 7/31/2019 Rating: 5

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