How to alter the rate of blood pressure ???
yes, this is the common doubts that every blood pressure patient comes through.
in this topic, I am going to discuss that.
after reading this topic, you will get clear about the following things
- how to alter the blood pressure
- what to do and what not to do
- common mistakes in our daily activities that shoot up your blood pressure
- over 10 million people die each year in INDIA due to tobacco addiction .that means 27,397 per day.
- over 468140 people die each year in the US due to high tobacco addiction (1315 per day)
- among that smoking is regarded as the highest addiction.
NICOTINE present in the cigarette is responsible for the rise in your blood pressure and heart rate.
nicotine makes arteries narrow and creates stress on arteries' walls. the higher level of nicotine consumption may lead to an increase in viscosity of blood and it becomes hard for the heart to pump blood.
2. alcohol consumption.
- alcohol is one of the most addictive consumption followed by tobacco.
- it is most difficult to get reinhabited from alcohol
- even a limited consumption of alcohol may turn into an addiction
alcohol increases the density and viscosity of blood which strains your blood vessels. high consumption of alcohol increases the bad cholesterol level in blood and does not cooperate with the heart to function normally.
3. low sodium intake
- sodium is the most consumed ingredient on earth. it should not exceed more than 3-5grams per day.
- even though adding salt is important to your diet, it is recommended that it should not exceed more than 5grams a day.
- eating raw salt is more dangerous than eating high amount of cooked salt. there are many problems associated with high salt intake.
high consumption of salt leads to water retention in your body. water retention in your body affects your renal functioning which results in poor metabolism rate. this may even lead to the retention of subcutaneous fat. thus high consumption of salt increases your blood pressure
4.being sleepless
how to control high blood pressure
Reviewed by VIGOUR STROM

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